4 great stress relieving essential oil blend recipes

CBD Aromatherapy for stress

CBD Aromatherapy for stress

Looking for stress relieving essential oil blend recipes?  During times of uncertainty, it is essential to maintain a healthy mind.  Whether it’s the cold/flu season, politics, family-life, or work… we all have to deal with stress on a daily basis.  And while we all deal with stress, we may or may not be considering how it affects the other parts of our lives and those around us.  Relieving stress takes time and effort.  It can be something as simple as sitting down to read a good book or taking a relaxing walk, but again, this takes time that not all of us have.  If relieving stress the usual ways is out of reach, fear not, there are plenty of ways to reduce your stressful life such as aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy has been around a long time and has been proven to have stress relieving benefits for us.  CBD aromatherapy can help achieve greater levels of relaxation that regular aromatherapy.  CBD and essential oils have a natural synergy and can increase the benefits of the diffuser oils.  So where do you start?

Selecting the right essential oils for stress relief

When choosing a recipe or creating your own, make sure the oils are working together rather than conflicting.  For stress relief, there are 2 main ways to go; an uplifting and motivating blend for daytime, or a calming and relaxing blend for evenings, night or time to yourself.  An uplifting blend is going to include oils such as

A more relaxing blend is going to include oils like

Here are 4 fantastic recipes for relieving stress and anxiety recipes with CBD essential oils.

Stress Relieving Essential Oil Blend Recipes with CBD

Take it Easy

A blend of Lavender, Geranium, Sandalwood and Lemon that can help ease your mind of troublesome thoughts and brighten your mood.  Lavender, Sandalwood and Geranium all help to bring down stress levels and promote a calming feeling.  A little bit of lemon rounds out this fantastic recipe with an boost in energy and hopefully, a smile.

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Broad Essentials Logo | CBD Essential Oils | CBD Essential Oil Infused Products Broad Essentials Logo | CBD Essential Oils | CBD Essential Oil Infused Products Broad Essentials Logo | CBD Essential Oils | CBD Essential Oil Infused Products 3 drops Geranium

Broad Essentials Logo | CBD Essential Oils | CBD Essential Oil Infused Products Broad Essentials Logo | CBD Essential Oils | CBD Essential Oil Infused Products 2 drops Sandalwood

Broad Essentials Logo | CBD Essential Oils | CBD Essential Oil Infused Products Broad Essentials Logo | CBD Essential Oils | CBD Essential Oil Infused Products 2 drops Lemon


Melt that stress away with the mind soothing aromas of Bergamot, Sandalwood, Lime and Grapefruit.  No stress relieving recipe is complete unless it tantalize the senses with an uplifting sweet aroma… De-Stress does not let you down, in fact, it can turn a frown, upside down!

Broad Essentials Logo | CBD Essential Oils | CBD Essential Oil Infused Products 1 drop Bergamot

Broad Essentials Logo | CBD Essential Oils | CBD Essential Oil Infused Products Broad Essentials Logo | CBD Essential Oils | CBD Essential Oil Infused Products 2 drops Lime

Broad Essentials Logo | CBD Essential Oils | CBD Essential Oil Infused Products Broad Essentials Logo | CBD Essential Oils | CBD Essential Oil Infused Products 2 drops Sandalwood

Broad Essentials Logo | CBD Essential Oils | CBD Essential Oil Infused Products Broad Essentials Logo | CBD Essential Oils | CBD Essential Oil Infused Products 2 drops Grapefruit


Need a break from the daily grind?  Relaxed is a spectacular blend of Lavender, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang and Bergamot that reached deep into your body and relaxes it from head to toe.  Use it whenever you feel the need to relax your mental state.

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Broad Essentials Logo | CBD Essential Oils | CBD Essential Oil Infused Products 1 drop Ylang Ylang

Broad Essentials Logo | CBD Essential Oils | CBD Essential Oil Infused Products 1 drop Bergamot

Anxiety Melter

Feelings of anxiety are no fun.  Wash them away with the mentally clarifying power of Marjoram, Clary Sage and Lavender!  A strong stress reliever that can take some of the worst thoughts and calm them down.  Ease your mind and body with Anxiety Melter

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Broad Essentials Logo | CBD Essential Oils | CBD Essential Oil Infused ProductsBroad Essentials Logo | CBD Essential Oils | CBD Essential Oil Infused ProductsBroad Essentials Logo | CBD Essential Oils | CBD Essential Oil Infused Products3 drops Clary Sage

Broad Essentials Logo | CBD Essential Oils | CBD Essential Oil Infused ProductsBroad Essentials Logo | CBD Essential Oils | CBD Essential Oil Infused Products2 drop Lavender

Any of these stress relieving essential oil blend recipes can help you reduce your stress and find inner balance.  There are many more recipes you can use as well to achieve the effects you desire.  For more recipes, visit our blog or individual product pages for specific recipes, suggested uses, tips and more.